Thursday 4 June 2015

Nairobi Safari Trips

Nairobi - The capital of Kenya is the major commercial hub of the East African region. The city is thickly populated with more than 3 million citizens, sprawling with multistory supermarkets, global franchise outlets, up to date shopping malls, huge skyscrapers and a busy nightlife with casinos and western style bars – all that illustrates the modern face of Africa.

nairobi city
I heard once that Nairobi is among the most amazing places on Earth. Found it true, though, as you can experience all the wildness at a capital city with a 15 minutes distance from the heart of the city to Nairobi National Park.
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It is a duplicitous city that stands with a modern image, and holds the craziest wild safaris as well. The Kenyan capital brings an amazing adventure to its visitors just on the edge of the city.

nairobi national park
Image By Safari Bookings

The Nairobi National park is heaving with amusement and contains the entire wilderness necessary for bigger parks. The Elephant is excluded though. The vast array of habitats ranges from wide grassy meadows to dry forest and Rocky River canyons, a home of thousands of animals and bird species. The wildlife is perfectly reserved and unspoiled. To get around and see the most of the park you may require at least 4-5 hours.

Nairobi offers multiple destinations for safari tours. Lake Naivasha Basin embraces two national parks that are definitely worth a visit. These two safari destinations are situated in the Great Rift Valley.


The Rift Valley is among the wonders of the world, the huge and the largest valley of Earth is stretched from the Mideast, crossing Africa towards Mozambique. The view of this valley when you are landing in Nairobi is out of the world, this valley is a natural abode of the lake system of Kenya, Lake Naivasha is one of them situated 90km from Nairobi. The site is great for bird watchers, an excellent spot for freshwater fishing, campers who want to experience wild camping and offers astonishing views of wild animals for safari day-trippers. The location also holds best hotels for those who want to relax after a long wild adventure. Surely it’s a perfect safari destination for weekend trips.

lake nakura
Image By Acacia-Africa

For those who love to see stunning flocks of flamingoes, diversified bird life and multiple wildlife sceneries, the Lake Nakuru of the rift valley is surely the preferred stop for them. The presence of flocks literally turns the Lakeshore pink colored. The location is a heavenly sanctuary of Rothschild giraffe, impala, black and white rhino, eland, mountain reedbuck, colobus monkeys, warthog and klipspringers. This safari site is also a favorite destination of ornithologists, wildlife photographers and scientists.

The story of Nairobi safari trips with FlyABS can’t be completed without signifying the Masai Mara national park. It is probably the most famous national park of Africa. Masai Mara is monsoon seasonal home of more than million wildlife of the Serengeti and half million zebras. This park offers safari trips the whole year round. Extensive wildlife species, including dozens of amphibians, 80 of mammals and roughly 500 bird species can be seen here.

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